The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (“NRCS”) announced 85 new partnership projects in the amount of $335 million that are stated to be intended to:
- Improve water quality
- Address climate change
- Combat drought
- Enhance soil health
- Support wildlife habitat
- Protect agricultural viability
One of the 85 projects receiving an award is the Arkansas-Louisiana Open Pine Landscape Restoration project (“Restoration Project”).
The State of Arkansas will be designated as lead and State of Louisiana as partner. The Restoration Project is stated to be funded in the amount of $5,900,000.
NRCS describes the Pine Landscape Restoration Partnership Project as:
. . . advancing the recovery of species of conservation concern by implementing Desired Forest Condition management practices across 30,000 acres of private lands in Arkansas and Louisiana.
The American Bird Conservancy and 19 partners are stated to be planning to use what are described as “innovative tools and approaches” to:
. . . target conservation funds to lands critical for the protection of species such as Northern Bobwhite, Henslow’s and LeContes Sparrows, Louisiana Pine Snake, and Red-Cockaded Woodpecker.
Also assisting will be partners such as the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and others utilizing a tailored program and incentive package that is stated to help ensure that Historically Underserved farmers participate meaningful in the project.
The 85 projects are funded through the NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program.
A copy of the news release with a link to an interactive map for the new projects can be found here.
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