May 26, 2020
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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Ms. Erin Scott is joining Ozarks Water Watch (“OWW”) as that organization’s Senior Policy and Program Director.
Ms. Scott is currently the Project Program Manager at the Arkansas Water Resources Center (“AWRC”).
The move was announced in the May edition of the AWRC publication Water Currents. Ms. Scott is quoted in the publication as stating:
This is a great opportunity that aligns with a growing interest of mine for environmental policy. In fact, I am entering my second year as a PhD student in Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy at the University of Arkansas. I have spent almost a decade in the field of water science, and I’m excited to bridge scientific information with policymaking in the Beaver Lake Watershed.
OWW describes itself as a nonprofit organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the water quality of the upper White River Watershed.
The AWRC is part of the network of 54 water institutes established by the federal Water Resource Research Act of 1964 and located at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
A link to the news release can be found here.
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