October 13, 2022
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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The Beaver Watershed Alliance (“BWA”) recently announced its 2022 Alliance Watershed Awards.
BWA states that awards were distributed under six categories to the following:
- Watershed Steward-Volunteer Award
- Watershed Guardian – Professional Partner
- Madison County Road Department and Judge Frank Weaver
- Watershed Champion – Streamside Landowner
- Watershed Champion – Urban Landowner
- Sharon Killian/Northwest Arkansas African American Heritage Association
- Watershed Champion – Agriculture/Producer Landowner
- Watershed Champion – Forest/Grassland Landowner
The BWA’s objective is described as establishing:
. . . programming to maintain high quality drinking water in Beaver Lake and improve water quality on the Beaver Lake Watershed.
BWA further states that it represents:
. . . a diverse stakeholder group from conservation, education, water utilities, technical and science, business, agriculture, recreation, and local government groups working together for the cause of clean water.
A BWA article naming the recipients and a description of the awards can be found here.
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