Between the Lines Blog

Arkansas Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks: (CORRECTION) May 29th is Correct Meeting Date
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
As noted in a previous blog post, Arkansas operates a petroleum storage tank trust fund that provides reimbursement for eligible storage tanks that suffer corrective action requirements and third-party damage claims due to a release of petroleum. The Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks…
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Hazardous Communication Standard: Occupational Safety and Health Administration Finalizes Revisions/Update
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) published a final rule in the May 20th Federal Register updating and revising its Hazard Communication Standard (“HCS”). See 89 Fed. Reg. 44144. OSHA states that the purpose of the final rule is to modify the HCS to: Maintain conformity…
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Solar Power Equipment/Taxation: Connecticut Court Addresses Exemption Question
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Co-Author JD Bruning The Superior Court of Connecticut (“Superior Court”) addressed in a May 7th Opinion an issue involving solar panels and related equipment. See AFL-HBAN Solar Trust c/o the Huntington National Bank v. Town of Griswold, 2024 WL 2076168. The question addressed is whether the solar…
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Arkansas Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks: March 29th Meeting
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
As noted in a previous blog post, Arkansas operates a petroleum storage tank trust fund that provides reimbursement for eligible storage tanks that suffer corrective action requirements and third-party damage claims due to a release of petroleum. The Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks…
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Confidential Business Information/Environmental Self-Disclosure Incentive Policy: Tracy Rothermel (Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment - Division of Environmental Quality) May 9th Arkansas Environmental Federation Air Seminar Presentation
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Ms. Tracy Rothermel undertook a presentation at the May 9th Arkansas Environmental Federation Air Seminar addressing two key topics: Confidential Business Information (“CBI”) Environmental Self-Disclosure Incentive Policy (“Policy”) Tracy serves as General Counsel/Senior Attorney in the Arkansas…
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