Wastewater Enforcement: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Notice of Violation Addressing Teller Goldmining Facility
The Colorado Department of Health & Environment (“CDPH&E”) issued a June 6th Notice of Violation/Cease and Desist Order (“NOV”) to the Turquoise Connection, Inc. (“TCI”) addressing alleged violations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. The NOV provides that TCI owns and/operates the Scott…
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Model Year 2027/Vehicle Multi-Pollutant Emission Standards: American Petroleum Institute/American Farm Bureau/National Corn Growers Association File Judicial Challenge
The American Petroleum Institute, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Corn Growers Association, and a number of automobile dealerships filed a Petition for Review on June 13th challenging the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s final rule entitled: Multi-Pollutant Emissions…
Endangered Species Act/Citizen Suit Action: Earthjustice Alleges U.S. Department of Interior Violations Approving Pinto Valley Mine (Arizona)
Earthjustice sent a June 11th 60-day Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) citizen suit Notice of Intent to Sue (“NOI”) to the Tonto National Forest (“Forest”). The NOI alleges that Forest violated Section 7 of the ESA in its approval of a mining plan of operations allowing the Pinto Valley Mine (“PVM”)…
Wastewater Enforcement: Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment - Division of Environmental Quality and Saline County Industrial/Domestic Wastewater Facility Enter into Consent Administrative Order
The Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment – Division of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) and Landers BCO, LLC (“Landers”) entered into a May 31st Consent Administrative Order (“CAO”) addressing alleged violations of a Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”)…
Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environmental Safety Act: WIPPES Act Passed by U.S. House of Representatives
The United States House of Representatives has passed the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environmental Safety Act (“WIPPES”). The WIPPES Act is designated H.R. 2964. The legislation provides that the Federal Trade Commission will issue regulations requiring entities responsible…