Between the Lines Blog

Harassment Claims in the #MeToo Era Should Be A Priority
Category: Employment
In the wake of the recent media coverage of sexual harassment, an organization and its leaders must realize they cannot stick their heads in the sand with respect to harassment complaints. The #MeToo movement is putting the onus on organizations and leaders to take proactive steps to prevent and…
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Wage and Hour Compliance Should Be Top of Mind for Employers; California Court of Appeal Held Individuals May Be Personally Liable For Civil Penalties
Category: Employment
A recent opinion authored by a California Court of Appeal highlights the importance of wage and hour compliance for companies with employees in California and in particular the owners, officers, and directors of these companies. In Atempa v. Pedrazzani, a California Court of Appeal held that a…
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Supreme Court Upholds Lawfulness of Class and Collective Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements
Category: Employment
Monday, the Supreme Court held in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis that class and collective action waivers in arbitration agreements are lawful and must be enforced under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The Court reasoned that neither the FAA’s saving clause nor the National Labor Relations Act…
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Arkansas Medical Marijuana: Key Employment Law Issues for Petroleum Marketing Operations
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law, Employment
My law firm colleague Nate Read and myself authored an article for the Arkansas Oil Marketers Association publication The Canopy titled: Arkansas Medical Marijuana: Key Employment Law Issues for Petroleum Marketing Operations (“Article”) Arkansas passage of the Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016…
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Medical Marijuana is Coming—Is Your Business Ready?
Category: Employment
In 2018, Arkansas businesses will face for the first time the prospect that job applicants and employees will produce a medical marijuana registry ID card approved by the Arkansas Department of Health (“ADH”) in response to a failed drug test. In fact, as of October 26, 2017, the ADH has already…
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