Between the Lines Blog

Legal Options When Bank Employees Take Confidential Data from Bank Systems
Category: Banking & Finance, Employment, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights, Litigation
Despite bank policies, training, computer warning banners, governing laws and banking regulations, bank employees still take bank or customer data as their employment ends. They take potential or current customer lists, transactional data and supporting customer files, procedural manuals, or other…
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The Pendulum Swings Back: NLRB Targets Neutral Work Rules in Reversal of Prior Ruling
Category: Employment, Legislative Updates
Think over the policies in your handbooks. Do you have one that requires workplace civility (“thou shalt not be disrespectful or insubordinate to thine co-workers or supervisors”)? Or one that requires that employees keep workplace investigations (such as sexual harassment investigations)…
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When Competition Crosses the Line, Level the Playing Field with Unfair Competition Litigation
Category: Business, Employment, Litigation
By now almost everyone has read about or experienced the “great resignation” and its unprecedented levels of employee turnover. With that increased worker mobility, there has been a surge in unfair competition litigation, including non-compete, trade secret, trademark, copyright, patent, and…
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Arkansas Businesses Should Prepare for New Laws Passed by the State Legislature
Category: Bankruptcy, Restructuring & Creditor-Debtor Rights, Business, Employment, Legislative Updates, Tax
The Arkansas General Assembly adjourned from its 94th Regular Session on May 1, 2023, starting a 90-day clock until acts passed by the General Assembly become the law of Arkansas. Business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs should be aware of these acts set to become law on July 31. 1. Act 256…
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Can You Discipline Employees for Workplace Outbursts? NLRB Says It Depends on the Setting
Category: Employment
Imagine that an employee in a workplace meeting stands up, and in a profanity-laced tirade, calls the manager in the meeting several names not fit for print. Most employers would immediately discipline, if not fire, that employee for violations of any number of workplace rules, such as…
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