Between the Lines Blog

Arkansas Supreme Court Upholds Validity of Class-Action Waiver Clause Even In Absence of Arbitration Clause
Category: Employment, Litigation
Arbitration agreements and class-action waivers have been important tools for employers seeking to reduce expense and exposure in cases brought by employees. These legal instruments have begun to be limited, though. Recently, Congress amended the Federal Arbitration Act to invalidate arbitration…
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Tips, Tip Pooling, and Tip Credits: What is a Restaurant Legally Allowed to do with its Tips?
Category: Employment, Litigation
Employees in a restaurant setting often receive tips, and employers often take a “tip credit” toward the minimum wage that they have to pay (allowing the employer in Arkansas to pay $2.63/hour to the tipped employee if the tipped employee receives at least $8.37 per hour in tips to make up the…
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Emotional Support Animals and Access to Public Facilities
Category: Employment
Imagine you are in charge of a facility that is open to the public—perhaps a church, a restaurant, a hardware store, or an apartment building. A woman enters with a dog on a leash. She says the dog is a service dog or emotional support animal, and she asks that the dog be allowed to accompany her…
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Non-Compete Agreements: Are They Enforceable in Contracts for Medical Services?
Category: Employment, Litigation
Yes, but with caveats. For non-compete agreements in Arkansas, there are separate rules for non-medical and medical employees. This variance stems from Arkansas’ non-compete statute, which applies to non-medical employees, but expressly does not apply to medical employees. Ark. Code Ann. §…
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Non-Compete Agreements: Will Arkansas Courts "Blue Pencil" an Unreasonable Non-Compete Agreement?
Category: Employment, Litigation
In employment law, “blue penciling” a non-compete agreement refers to the practice whereby a court concludes that a non-compete agreement is unenforceable because it is overly broad, but rather than throw out the agreement altogether the Court will instead modify it to narrow it down to make it…
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