Between the Lines Blog

Supreme Court Protects Off-Campus Speech of Public School Student
Category: Appellate Law, Education, Litigation
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 23, 2021 that a public high school student’s off-campus social media postings in which she used vulgar language and disparaged school programs constituted protected speech under the First Amendment. This decision signals the Court’s willingness to protect…
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NCAA Student-Athletes May Receive Increased Education-Related Compensation under New Supreme Court Ruling
Category: Education, Litigation
On June 21, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a highly anticipated opinion holding unanimously that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (the “NCAA”) may not withhold modest payments to student athletes related to education expenses. This holding, though narrowly tailored to the…
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Taking Control of a Dispute by Filing a Declaratory Judgment and Setting the Stage for a Successful Appeal
Category: Appellate Law, Health Care, Litigation
For companies involved in an active dispute, filing a declaratory judgment often offers a way to take control of the situation. This strategy comes with significant advantages that not only help pave the way for successful litigation, but also have significant impacts for how an appellate attorney…
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Peer Review Immunity is a Bar to Doctor's Allegations of Defamation
Category: Appellate Law, Health Care, Litigation
When a doctor is subject to a formal peer review proceeding, those involved must pay close attention to the medical staff bylaw and any hospital policies, procedures, and rules governing the process. These protections require a high degree of confidentiality, to protect the physician subject to…
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Non-Compete Agreement Litigation: Lessons from Recent Eighth Circuit Case
Category: Appellate Law, Employment, Litigation
Litigation over non-compete agreements can be complex, involving simultaneous lawsuits in different states, timely legal maneuvering, and substantial organizational challenges. The stakes are often high. Litigating in this area involves developing a strategy, and constantly revising that strategy…
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