Between the Lines Blog

ChatGPT: A Lawyer's Friend or Ethical Time Bomb? A Look at Professional Responsibility in the Age of AI
Category: Business, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights, Litigation
The emergence of ChatGPT comes with tremendous promise of increased automation and efficiency. But at what cost? In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential ethical time bomb of using ChatGPT and examine the responsibility of lawyers in the age of AI. How could lawyers possibly use ChatGPT…
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Should You Enforce a Non-compete Agreement Through Arbitration or Litigation? An Examination of the Not-So-Obvious Answer to This Recurring Question
Category: Employment, Litigation
When a non-compete agreement contains an arbitration clause, this raises the issue of whether the non-compete should be enforced through arbitration or litigation. This is an obvious threshold question with an answer that is not so clear. This blog post explores the pros and cons of enforcing…
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Practice Pointer: Orders Drafted by Opposing Counsel
Category: Litigation
Even the best litigator loses on a motion every now and then. When that happens in Arkansas state court, oftentimes the judge may file a verbatim order drafted by opposing counsel as the final order. Sometimes these orders have discrepancies between what the judge said at the conclusion of the…
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Arkansas Supreme Court Upholds Validity of Class-Action Waiver Clause Even In Absence of Arbitration Clause
Category: Employment, Litigation
Arbitration agreements and class-action waivers have been important tools for employers seeking to reduce expense and exposure in cases brought by employees. These legal instruments have begun to be limited, though. Recently, Congress amended the Federal Arbitration Act to invalidate arbitration…
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Tips, Tip Pooling, and Tip Credits: What is a Restaurant Legally Allowed to do with its Tips?
Category: Employment, Litigation
Employees in a restaurant setting often receive tips, and employers often take a “tip credit” toward the minimum wage that they have to pay (allowing the employer in Arkansas to pay $2.63/hour to the tipped employee if the tipped employee receives at least $8.37 per hour in tips to make up the…
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The Between the Lines blog is made available by Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard, P.L.L.C. and the law firm publisher. The blog site is for educational purposes only, as well as to give general information and a general understanding of the law. This blog is not intended to provide specific legal advice. Use of this blog site does not create an attorney client relationship between you and Mitchell Williams or the blog site publisher. The Between the Lines blog site should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.