Between the Lines Blog

Make Your Year-End Charitable Gifts to Take Advantage of Expanded Tax Benefits
Category: Tax
Because of the hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic and several weather related events, the demand on charitable organizations has increased significantly this year, increasing the need for charitable giving. Tax benefits to both individual and corporate donors for contributions made to charitable…
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Like-Kind Exchanges Under IRC Section 1031: A Primer
Category: Tax
Individual and business clients engaging in real estate transactions often have an interest in like-kind exchanges under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 (hereinafter “1031” or “Section 1031”). Clients are usually aware that a properly structured 1031 exchange can reduce tax liability, but have…
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Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan?
Category: Tax , Trusts and Estates
If your life changes, so should your estate plan. Marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, a birth and a changing relationship with a child are just some of the life changes that may affect your estate plan. Unfortunately, as your life changes, updating your estate plan is often not the first thing on…
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Asset Basis and the Future of the Federal Estate Tax
Category: Tax
The federal estate tax is often a topic of conversation especially in regards to the tax rate and the applicable credit or exemption amount; however, currently another aspect of the estate tax is getting attention – Basis. In order to evaluate and understand the proposed changes to the estate tax…
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National Taxpayer Advocate Reviews 2021 Season and Recommends Changes for 2022
Category: Tax
The National Taxpayer Advocate recently issued her Fiscal Year 2020 Objectives Report to Congress, reviewing the successes and challenges of the 2021 federal tax filing year and highlighting a series of objectives and recommendations for Congress to consider for tax year 2022. Among the noted…
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