Between the Lines Blog

Update: The Growing Trend of Anti-Boycott Laws and the Effect on Public Finance – Is Arkansas Next?
Category: Municipal and Public Finance
In our previous blog post we noted the emerging trend of anti-boycott and anti-discrimination laws in multiple states and discussed potential effects on the public finance market, particularly in Arkansas. Potential Costs: One of the potential effects we noted was that by limiting potential…
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The Growing Trend of Anti-Boycott Laws and the Effect on Public Finance – Is Arkansas Next?
Category: Municipal and Public Finance
In a nation seemingly becoming more polarized along political lines every day, not even the normally quiet and steady world of public finance remains untouched. Recently proposed and adopted anti-boycott type legislative initiatives in several states, and the emergence of environmental, social and…
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Unlocking Rural Broadband
Category: Municipal and Public Finance
Statewide, the consensus is that broadband is the tool to transform the economies of rural Arkansas, but the issue has been how to cost-effectively deploy it. A perception exists that the federal American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, along with state grant funds, provides…
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New Federal Legislation Eases Access to Financing for Broadband Projects with Qualified Private Activity Bonds
Category: Legislative Updates, Municipal and Public Finance
Congress has passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, which President Biden signed on November 15, 2021. The Act includes approximately $65 billion in funding opportunities for the deployment of broadband services in rural areas. In addition to the creation of a broadband grant…
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Arkansas Legislature Provides Local Governments With New Broadband Options
Category: Municipal and Public Finance
In February, the Arkansas Legislature unanimously approved Act 67 which amends the Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Act of 2013 (the “Act”). These amendments significantly increase local government options with respect to the development of broadband and related services. Generally, prior to…
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