May 03, 2018
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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The Center for Biological Diversity (“CBD”) in an April 25th news release states that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (“Commission”) may consider ending unlimited commercial collection of Arkansas wild freshwater turtles.
The described Commission activity is stated to be in response to a petition submitted by a number of organizations which include:
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Arkansas Sierra Club
- Audubon Society of Central Arkansas
- Herps of Arkansas
- Arkansas Watertrails Partnership
- Bruce A. Kingsbury, Ph.D.
- John Kelly
CBD states that trappers can legally collect unlimited numbers of 14 types of turtle to sell domestically or export to foreign food, pet and medicinal markets. The organization further states that:
Scientists have repeatedly documented that freshwater turtles cannot sustain any significant level of wild collection without population-level impacts and declines.
Glen Hooks, Director of the Arkansas Sierra Club, is quoted as stating, “The Commission has taken an important step toward protecting Arkansas’ turtles from unlimited harvesting, but the next steps are critical. . . A growing number of states are taking sensible, science-based action aimed at protecting these populations. Arkansas should do the same, and we look forward to making that happen.”
A copy of both the news release and the Petition can be downloaded here.
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