February 13, 2024
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (“ADEM”) and Clean Earth of Alabama, Inc. (“Clean Earth”) entered into a January 9th Consent Order (“CO”) addressing alleged violations of the Alabama Hazardous Waste Regulations. See Consent Order No. 24-XXX-CHW.
The CO provides that Clean Earth operates a permitted commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facility (“Facility”).
The Facility is stated to operate pursuant to the authority of a permit and EPA identification number and is located in Glencoe, Alabama.
The Facility is also described as a:
- Large quantity generator of hazardous waste
- Used oil generator
- Large quantity handler of universal waste
- Universal hazardous waste transporter
Representatives of ADEM’s Industrial Hazardous Waste Branch are stated to have conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection (“CEI”) of the Facility on March 23rd. The CEI and a review of Clean Earth’s compliance is stated to have shown the following:
- Failure to mark two containers of hazardous waste located in the Main Warehouse Building with the date of receipt.
- Failure to keep closed one 5-gallon container of hazardous waste located in Building #1.
- Failure to maintain an impervious coating which is free of cracks, gaps, or other deterioration in the Pharmaceutical Shredder Building.
- Failure to mark an identification of hazards on approximately 24 containers located in Building #2.
- Failure to properly manage damaged and leaking containers of hazardous waste.
- Failure to perform required leak detection and repair monitoring of all ancillary equipment associated with the hazardous waste storage tanks.
- Failure to mark all subject pieces of ancillary equipment connected to the hazardous waste storage tanks.
- Failure to manage and operate the container storage area in Building #2 in such a way as to minimize the possibility of rupture, leakage, or other damage.
- Failure to manage containers of hazardous waste in Building #2 in a manner that would prevent them from rupturing or leaking.
- Failure to operate or maintain Building #2 in a manner to prevent hazardous waste from being released by the unit.
Clean Earth neither admits nor denies ADEM’s contentions. Further, it states in response to the CO:
- The containers found in Building #1 that had been found without a date and that were found to be outside of storage were immediately moved into the proper location in the warehouse and the received date was added to the label.
- The 5-gallon container that was found open was immediately closed.
- Floor coatings in each building were evaluated. Floors that were discovered.
- The containers in Building #2 that were missing hazard identification labels were identified and labeled properly.
- The two containers found to be leaking in Building # 1 were immediately overpacked into other containers. Building #2 containers were also removed and overpacked.
- Clean Earth added additional lines on the quarterly forms to show that all monitoring points are being read and recorded.
- Clean Earth did a full inspection of all tags in the LDAR program. Any missing tags were replaced in the April quarterly monitoring event.
- Building #2 is now maintaining the containers and secondary containment in a manner to that minimizes leaks and spills onto the floor.
- Clean Earth has since instituted more frequent inspections of the housekeeping to improve the management of the shredder unit secondary containment. This was noted in ADEM's inspection on 7 /20/23.
A civil penalty of $45,200 is assessed.
A copy of the CO can be downloaded here.
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