August 03, 2018
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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H.R. 3906 was previously introduced in the United States House of Representatives (“House”) and is titled the:
Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Act of 2018 (“Bill”)
The Bill recently passed the House.
The Bill requires that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) provide grants to eligible higher education institutions and research institutions to establish and maintain between three and five centers of excellence for innovative stormwater control infrastructure. This is described as any green stormwater management technique that:
- uses natural systems or engineered systems that mimic natural processes to infiltrate, evapotranspire, or capture stormwater; and
- preserves, enhances, or mimics natural hydrology to protect or restore water quality.
EPA is also required to provide grants to state, tribal, or local governments or entities that manage stormwater, drinking water resources, or wastewater resources for innovative stormwater control infrastructure projects.
The agency must ensure that its:
- Office of Water, Office of Enforcement and Compliance, Office of Research and Development, and Office of Policy promote use of the infrastructure in, and coordinate the integration of permitting programs, planning efforts, research, technical assistance, and funding guidance; and
- Office of Water supports establishing innovative financing mechanisms in the implementation of the infrastructure. Requirements are also imposed on the federal agency’s regional offices.
Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snow melt events that flow over land or impervious surfaces which might include:
- Paved streets
- Parking lots
- Building rooftops
- Sewer systems
- Nearby waterbodies
A copy of the Bill can be downloaded here.
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