Bryan Leamons, P.E., undertook a presentation at the Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association titled:
Permits Overview: Industrial Stormwater (IGP), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), Individual NPDES (“Presentation”)
Mr. Leamons is a Senior Operation Manager in the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”) Office of Water.
The Presentation included a discussion of Clean Water Act General Permit – 40 CFR 124.1 which authorizes:
. . . a category of dischargers or activities under the Clean Water Act within a geographical area. . .
General Permits include Industrial Stormwater Permits (General Permit ARR000000) encompassing industrial activities such as:
- Timber, Paper, and Chemical Products
- Metal, Coal, and Mineral Mining
- Transportation Facilities
- Textile Mills
- Others
Mr. Leamons discussed the application procedures for AR000000:
- Notice of Intent
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- Site Map
- $200.00 Application Fee
The No-Exposure Certification was also referenced.
As to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, the contents were listed such as:
- Responsible Parties and Employee Training
- Facility Information and Description
- Potential Pollutant Sources
- Impaired Waterbodies (303(d) list and TMDLs)
- Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Outfalls and Monitoring Requirements
- Schedules and Procedures
- Signature
The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (“MS4”)was addressed (ARR040000).
MS4 is applicable to urbanized areas.
The application procedures were stated to include:
- Notice of Intent
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Small MS4 Site Map
- Application Fee
The Stormwater Management Plan Contents were stated to include:
The Presentation included a chart comparing stormwater permits and MS4.
As to the “IGP” it was noted:
- Regulates Stormwater Discharge on Numerous Industrial Sectors
- Many facilities make self-monitoring and self-implemented corrective measures
- ADEQ retains full compliance monitoring and enforcement oversight
As to MS4s it was noted:
- Cities, counties, “urbanized areas”
- Non traditional – Campuses and Prisons
- ADEQ performs inspections and audits over 5-year term
- Much reliance on self-monitoring and self-implemented activities
- ADEQ retains full compliance monitoring and enforcement oversight
The final portion of the Presentation addressed the Clean Water Act National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) individual permitting/renewals.
Mr. Leamons states submissions for NPDES Permits and renewals can be made as follows:
A copy of Mr. Leamons Presentation can be downloaded here.
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