The Beaver Watershed Alliance (“BWA”) released the 2022 sampling report (“Sampling Report”) generated by its 17th Annual Secchi Day Water Quality Event.
BWA describes Secchi Day as an annual event taking place on Beaver Lake in Northwest Arkansas:
. . . with the goal of collecting important water quality data such as turbidity, chlorophyll-a, total phosphorous, and total nitrogen.
This is the 17th year this event has taken place.
Volunteers use a Secchi Disk to measure lake water clarity. Thirty-three teams collect water quality samples at 35 different locations along a 50-mile transect within Beaver Water Lake.
The 2022 Sampling Report notes by way of explanation that:
. . . Secchi depth in late August is inversely related to the concentration of Chlorophyll-a. Therefore, as Chlorophyll-a decreases, Secchi depth increases.
As a result, BWA notes that higher Secchi depths and lower Chlorophyll-a concentrations are preferred for quality drinking water.
BWA describes itself as an organization which was established to undertake programming to maintain high water quality drinking water in Beaver Lake and improve water quality on the Beaver Lake Watershed. It is stated to consist of a diverse stakeholder group from conservation, education, water utilities, technical and science, business, agriculture, recreation, and local governments.
A link to the 2022 Sampling Report which lists Secchi depth, Chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen results can be found here.
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