The Environmental Council of the States (“ECOS”) announced that Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”) Director Becky Keogh has been elected President of the national organization.
Ms. Keogh previously served as Secretary-Treasurer of ECOS.
ECOS describes itself as the national non-profit, nonpartisan association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders. The organization’s purpose is stated to be to improve the capability of state environmental agencies and their leaders to protect and improve human health and the environment in the United States.
ECOS states as its belief that:
. . . state government agencies are the keys to delivering environmental protection afforded by both federal and state law. Further, we believe that ECOS plays a critical role in facilitating a quality relationship between federal and state agencies in the fulfillment of that mission.
Ms. Keogh has served as Director of ADEQ since February of 2015. Her prior experience includes:
- ADEQ Deputy Director
- Vice President and Senior Consultant for an international environmental and engineering firm
- Arkansas Geological Commission Member
- Regulatory Environmental Manager for an international natural resources firm
United States Senator John Boozman is quoted in an ADEQ news release as stating:
Becky Keogh has an excellent reputation as a fierce advocate for both states’ rights and the protection of our natural resources . . . her election as President of ECOS is a testament to just how well-respected she is amongst her peers. The organization is in good hands with a leader from the Natural State at the helm.
The ADEQ Director that preceded Ms. Keogh, Teresa Marks, served as President of ECOS several years ago. Ms. Marks was a winner in 2015 of the ECOS Founders Award which recognizes former members who provide outstanding service to the organization while a member.
A copy of the ADEQ news release can be found here.
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