November 07, 2018
Walter G. Wright
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
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The election of a Democratic Majority in the United States House of Representatives last night obviously means there will be a change of leadership/control in this committee – the Energy and Commerce Committee (“E&C Committee”).
The E&C Committee has very broad jurisdiction which includes an array of energy and environmental issues.
Examples of energy related issues the E&C Committee addresses include:
- National Energy Policy
- Fossil Energy
- Renewable Energy
- Nuclear Energy/Facilities
- Department of Energy
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Synthetic and Alternative Fuels
- Energy Conservation
- Utility Issues
- Interstate Energy Compacts
- Energy Generation/Marketing/Reliability/Transmission/Siting/Exploration/Production/Efficiency
- Ratemaking
Environmental issues addressed by the E&C Committee include:
- Soil/Air/Water Contamination
- Superfund
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Solid/Hazardous/Nuclear Waste
- Clean Air Act
- Emergency Environmental Response
- Industrial Plant Security
- Safe Drinking Water Act
- Underground Injection
- Caustic Substances Control Act
- Noise
Current Ranking Minority Member Frank Pallone is expected to assume the Chairmanship of the E&C Committee at the start of the next Congress. He is in his 15th full term in the House of Representatives and represents New Jersey's 6th Congressional District.
Current Chairman Greg Walden is expected to become the E&C Committee’s Ranking Member. He represents Oregon’s 2nd Congressional District.
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