Between the Lines Blog

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Information Collection Request/RCRA Section 3007 Survey: Drum Reconditioning Facilities
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) published an April 24th Federal Register notice stating that it submitted an Information Collection Request (“ICR”) styled: RCRA section 3007 survey for drum reconditioning facilities (“ICR”) See 89 Fed. Reg. 31199 An ICR is a set of…
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Stormwater Enforcement/Construction: Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment - Division of Environmental Quality and Batesville Operator Enter into Consent Administrative Order
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment - Division of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) and Tripp Property Clearing (“TPC”) entered into a January 30th Consent Administrative Order (“CAO”) addressing alleged violations of the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System…
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Arkansas Environmental Federation Air Seminar: May 9th - Little Rock, Arkansas
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Arkansas Environmental Federation (“AEF”) will be holding its annual Air Seminar on May 9th. The Seminar will be held at the Delta Hotel by Marriott in Little Rock, Arkansas. The presentations will include: Startup, Shutdown and Malfunction Update – Good News or Bad News? Mark Allison –…
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Title V/Clean Air Act: National Association of Clean Air Agencies Comments on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Proposed Rule Addressing "Applicable Requirements"
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (“NACAA”) submitted April 10th comments to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) addressing a rule proposed on January 9th titled: Clarifying the Scope of Applicable Requirements Under State Operating Programs and the Federal…
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Air Enforcement: Alabama Department of Environmental Management and Columbia Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Facility Enter into Consent Order
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (“ADEM”) and GRI-APS (“GRI”) entered into a April 16th Consent Order (“CO”) addressing an alleged violation of the ADEM Administrative Code addressing air requirements. The CO states that GRI applied to construct and operate an Ethylene Oxide…
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