Between the Lines Blog

Underground Storage Tank/Industrial Property Sale: Oregon Appellate Court Addresses Fraudulent Misrepresentation Claim
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Court of Appeals of Oregon (“Court of Appeals”) addressed in an April 24th Opinion an issue arising out of the sale of an industrial property. See Gunner, LLC v. Miller, 2024 WL 1756829. The question involved whether the seller of the property fraudulently misrepresented the existence of an…
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Arkansas Natural Resources Commission: May 15th Meeting Scheduled
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission has scheduled its next meeting for May 15th at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, 1 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas. The agenda includes the following substantive items: Administrative Business …
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Underground Injection Control: U.S. EPA Environmental Appeals Board Petition Filed Addressing Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Permit
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
Two individuals filed a Petition for Review (“Petition”) before the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) Environmental Appeals Board (“Board”) challenging an Underground Injection Control (“UIC”) Class II-D permit issued to Penneco Environmental Solutions, LLC (“PES”). The…
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Strategic Civil-Criminal Enforcement Policy: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency April 17th Memorandum
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued an April 17th memorandum addressing: Strategic Civil-Criminal Enforcement Policy (“Memorandum”) The Memorandum was transmitted from EPA Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance David M. Uhlmann to the following agency…
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Air Enforcement: Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Hartville Power Generation Facility Enter into Administrative Order on Consent
Category: Arkansas Environmental, Energy, and Water Law
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (“MDNR”) and Black Oak Power Producers, LLC (“Black Oak”) entered into an April 8th Administrative Order on Consent (“AOC”) addressing an alleged violation of a Part 70 (Title V) air permit and Missouri Air Regulation. See No. APCP-2023-028. The AOC…
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