Between the Lines Blog

APRIL 17, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
As a number of statutory filings deadlines draw near, many insurance departments took the opportunity this week to provide regulatory flexibility addressing when and how a number of filings are made. States continue to issue bulletins urging insurers to assist consumers in various ways including…
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APRIL 14, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
As a growing number of auto insurers announce premium relief for policyholders regulators are responding by publicly praising the decisions. Guidance is being provided on how to ensure such actions comply with state insurance anti-rebating laws. Regulators also continue to develop and update…
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APRIL 10, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
While the pace of COVID-19-responsive regulatory action has slowed this past week, there was an increase in the number of states addressing and/or encouraging auto insurance discounts and/or premium relief to reflect exposure reductions generated by stay-at-home orders. Aside from that, states…
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TDI Postpones Implementation of Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure
Category: Insurance Regulatory
The Texas Department of Insurance issued Commissioner's Bulletin # B-0018-20, postponing the filing of the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure required by H.B. 3300 passed by the Legislature in 2019. The required disclosure is based on the NAIC Model Bill and is now Chapter 831 of the Insurance…
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APRIL 7, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
As questions loom regarding stay at home orders and qualifications for essential services, insurance regulators continue to proactively address insurance concerns in all lines of business. Particular interest in the current update includes further expansion of telehealth (including veterinarians)…
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