Between the Lines Blog

MARCH 25, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
The pace of state regulation in response to COVID-19 hasn’t slowed. In the last few days, many states have (1) waived or extended certain licensing requirements for agents and adjusters; (2) urged carriers to allow grace periods for premium payments, temporarily suspended premium payments, offer…
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Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
The state regulatory response to COVID-19 has been swift, with nearly every state making pronouncements that affect the insurance industry, specifically. As always, the Insurance Regulatory Practice Group at Mitchell Williams stands committed to providing current and relevant updates that affect…
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Texas Supreme Court Holds Lack of Groundless-Claims Clause in Insurance Policy Does Not Impact the Applicability of the "Eight-Corners Rule"
Category: Insurance Regulatory
On March 20, 2020, the Texas Supreme Court delivered its opinion in Richards v. State Farm Lloyds, addressing a question of Texas law certified from the Fifth Circuit. The certified question concerned Texas’ “eight-corners rule,” which provides that an insurer’s “duty to defend is determined by the…
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NAIC Special Session on COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
Today, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) held a Special Session on COVID-19. A presentation on virus progression and pathology was made by Dr. Jay Butler, Deputy Director for Infectious Disease a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After Dr. Butler’s…
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TDI Considers Possible Suspension of Texas Insurance Laws and Regulations for COVID-19 Response
Category: Insurance Regulatory
On Friday, March 13, 2020, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a Proclamation declaring a state of disaster for the entire state of Texas as a result of the growing crisis related to COVID-19. As in past disaster declarations, the Proclamation is issued under the authority provided in Chapter 418 of…
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