Between the Lines Blog

Practical Suggestions for Insurers for Post COVID-19 Inquiries
Category: Insurance Regulatory
Almost every disaster with insurance implications is followed by some sort of regulatory or legislative inquiry. Usually it begins with a data call or a complaint inquiry and then often turns into market conduct examinations or enforcement actions. COVID-19 is likely to follow the same path once…
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Telemedicine to Combat COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
Regulators at both the federal and state level are using expansion of telemedicine to help communities fight back against the spread of COVID-19. On Friday, March 13, President Trump declared a National Emergency related to COVID-19 and outlined a number of areas where he has conferred authority on…
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Texas Insurance Commissioner Issues Bulletin Clarifying Applicability of Texas Small and Large Employer Health Plan Requirements in Light of Recent Federal Rules Expanding Availability of HRAs
Category: Insurance Regulatory
On Thursday, February 20, 2020, the Commissioner of the Texas Department of Insurance issued a bulletin clarifying the applicability of Texas’ small and large employer health plan laws and regulations to individual coverage HRAs (ICHRAs) and excepted benefit HRAs. These clarifications were prompted…
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Washington State Opens Rule Making Process for Increasing Allowable Amount for Risk Reduction Goods and Services
Category: Insurance Regulatory
The Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner announced it would start a rule making process for increasing allowable amount for risk reduction goods and services in the State of Washington. The insurance industry has the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions on the…
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