Between the Lines Blog

May the "Force" Majeure Be With You: Is COVID-19 a Force Majeure Event?
Category: Appellate Law, Health Care, Litigation
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of our daily interactions. And, its effect on many businesses’ ability to function cannot be overstated. It has been devastating. As you are well aware, the pandemic has also added a number of new words and phrases to our vocabulary—“social…
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APRIL 28, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
With the initial wave of COVID-19 reactionary regulation behind us, States continue to assess existing emergency measures and terminate, modify, or extend those measures as necessary. Some states are also expanding the availability of, or easing restrictions on, temporary producer licenses in…
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The SBA Is Accepting New CARES Act Applications; Can Businesses Apply For More Than One Loan?
Category: Banking & Finance, Business, Health Care
The President signed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act into law on April 24, 2020, injecting an additional $484 billion in aid to supplement the SBA business loan programs created under the CARES Act. In particular, the new Act dedicated the following SBA funds: An…
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APRIL 24, 2020 UPDATE: Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
While state insurance regulation on COVID-19 related matters continues to slow, we anticipate additional guidance, or modification to prior guidance, as states begin to develop procedures for reopening. REMINDER: We will distribute an updated version of this chart twice a week for the foreseeable…
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Cybersecurity Enforcement Deadlines in the Wake of COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
While some regulations have been relaxed a bit to provide flexibility during shelter-in-place or other restrictive measures, one area that is generally not slowing down is privacy and cybersecurity. The past few years have seen a rollout of new privacy and cybersecurity measures at the state…
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