Between the Lines Blog

Survey of State Insurance Department COVID-19 Regulatory Actions
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
The state regulatory response to COVID-19 has been swift, with nearly every state making pronouncements that affect the insurance industry, specifically. As always, the Insurance Regulatory Practice Group at Mitchell Williams stands committed to providing current and relevant updates that affect…
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Cybersecurity in the Time of COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, hackers continue to target workers’ increased dependence on digital tools. Online activities have become the most effective channel for human interaction and continued operations. In current circumstances, a cyberattack removing a household or business’s ability…
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CMS Makes Toolbox Available to Streamline Relief for State Medicaid and CHIP Programs During COVID-19 Outbreak
Category: Health Care
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new tools and resources on March 22, 2020, to support state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) during the COVID-19 outbreak. These tools relate to (1) Section 1115 waivers; (2) Section 1135 waivers; (3) Section 1915(c)…
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NAIC Special Session on COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Insurance Regulatory
Today, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) held a Special Session on COVID-19. A presentation on virus progression and pathology was made by Dr. Jay Butler, Deputy Director for Infectious Disease a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After Dr. Butler’s…
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The Families First Coronavirus Response Act Becomes Law: Implications for Employers
Category: Employment, Health Care
On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “Act”). The Act contains several important provisions that require employers to offer paid leave for employees unable to work due to issues related to coronavirus (or COVID-19), whether through…
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