Wastewater Sampling/COVID-19: U.S. Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Minority Members Letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Ranking U.S. Energy and Commerce Committee (“Committee”) Members (i.e., Minority) sent August 12th letters addressing questions about the potential ability of wastewater sampling to detect COVID-19. The letters were sent to the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and…
COVID-19: Updated Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Enforcement Guidance
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (“MDEQ”) issued on July 20th a document titled: Updated Guidance to the Regulated Community Regarding Compliance with Regulatory Requirements During the COVID-19 Pandemic (“Updated Guidance”) MDEQ Interim Executive Director Chris Wells issued…
Provisional COVID-19 Enforcement Guidance: Arkansas Department of Energy and Environmental Quality Notes Continuance/Extension
Secretary Becky Keogh of the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment noted in a July 2nd memorandum that the Division of Environmental Quality’s (“DEQ”) Provisional COVID-19 Enforcement Guidance (“Arkansas Guidance”) remains in place. The reasons for the issuance of this memorandum was the…
COVID-19/Addendum on Termination: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued a June 29th Memorandum titled: COVID-19 Implications for EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program: Addendum on Termination (“Addendum”) The Addendum is transmitted from Susan Parker Bodine, EPA Assistant Manager for…
COVID-19/Stay-at-Home Orders: U.S. Energy Information Administration Report Notes Reduction in Commercial/Industrial Electricity Use
The United States Energy Information Administration (“EIA”) issued a June 20th report titled: Stay-at-Home Orders Led to Less Commercial and Industrial Electricity Use in April (“Report”) Electricity sales for April 2020 for three sectors (residential, commercial, industrial) were compared with…