Between the Lines Blog

Hospital Staffing Disruption COVID-19
Category: Employment, Health Care
It is inevitable that as COVID-19 spreads in the community, hospitals and other healthcare providers will experience staffing disruption. Our doctors, nurses, aides, technicians, and other medical staff are on the frontlines, providing direct patient care to those with suspected COVID-19 and to…
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Employers (Including Municipalities) Still Required to File IRS Forms Despite Changes to Affordable Care Act Individual Mandate
Category: Employment, Municipal and Public Finance, Tax
If you watch the news, you may have heard that the requirement known as the “individual mandate” under the Affordable Care Act, which generally requires that individuals either obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, was repealed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Although the “Individual…
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Arkansas' Social Media Statute: What It Tells Us, What It Doesn't
Category: Employment
In August 2013, Arkansas enacted a statute intended to regulate employers’ ability to access social media account of employees. This statute, entitled “Social Media Accounts of Current and Prospective Employees,” applies to employers in both the public and private sector and, as such, has a broad…
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New I-9 Form for Employers
Category: Employment
For employers seeking to fulfill their obligation to complete and retain Form I-9s for each person on their payroll, the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued a new version of the Form I-9 which employers should begin using now. Although the prior version of the Form I-9…
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Hiring? Being Hired? Uncovering the Fine Print.
Category: Employment
Clauses in employment contracts may appear benign when a contract is signed, but then later balloon into serious problems. This article will address several of the issues that we see commonly litigated, helping you to understand the issues upfront. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for…
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