Between the Lines Blog

Hospitals In The Crosshairs: Managing Cybersecurity Risk (Part 1 )
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
From the recent headline-grabbing attacks on hospitals and municipalities, the specter of cybersecurity threats looms large. As a result, spending on cybersecurity initiatives is expected to reach $96 billion this year.[i] Hospitals have been specifically targeted because of their perceived wealth…
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Under the Hood of Liability in the Age of Self-Driving Vehicles
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Self-driving cars and related legal issues have captivated the cybersecurity world as of late. And with good reason. In 2018 we saw the first fatality associated with a self-driving Uber, adding to the growing attention paid to autonomous vehicles and their security. In March 2018, a self-driving…
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Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
GDP What? Personal data is currency in the new world, and while the United States uses a sectoral approach to data privacy, the European Union (EU) treats privacy as a fundamental right of its citizens. Therefore, where U.S. regulations are based on the categorization of information, the EU model…
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Hacking Your Vote From Inside Your Head: How Cambridge Analytica Altered Reality Via Social Media To Induce Specific Voting Behavior
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
We learned some important lessons this week about the dangers inherent to losing control of your customer or client data, either through hacking, internal theft, or poorly designed controls over what your business associates have access to or may share themselves. That case in point is Cambridge…
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Truck "Platooning" and the Vehicle to Vehicle Network - A Chance To Glimpse the Future of Vehicle Cybersecurity in Action
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
According to most in the automotive industry, a world where self-driving cars and fully automated trucks begin to fill our intersections and highways is still at least a decade or so away. Creative theories abound for how malicious entities may attempt to hijack automated vehicles, hold passengers…
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