Between the Lines Blog

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument Today in Major Case Regarding Cell Phone Location Privacy
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
In Carpenter v. United States, federal investigators sought cellphone location data for a set of persons suspected in a series of robberies. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures, and if successful a Fourth Amendment challenge would suppress…
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Don't Ignore Privacy and Data Security: Pre-Deal and Negotiation Considerations for Buyers in Merger and Acquisition Transactions
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Almost all parties are required to exchange personal data as part of a merger and acquisition transaction. With data breaches on the rise, any buyer in a M&A transaction cannot afford to ignore privacy and data security concerns. Nor should these issues be avoided to deal with post-closing…
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Avoid the Headlines: Six Initial Steps To Take Now To Improve Your Company's Data Security
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Unless you have been living under a rock, you are probably aware that companies are suffering cyber attacks that jeopardize sensitive company or customer data more and more frequently. What you may not know is that even more attacks occur every day that are never reported outside of the victim…
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