Between the Lines Blog

ChatGPT: A Lawyer's Friend or Ethical Time Bomb? A Look at Professional Responsibility in the Age of AI
Category: Business, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights, Litigation
The emergence of ChatGPT comes with tremendous promise of increased automation and efficiency. But at what cost? In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential ethical time bomb of using ChatGPT and examine the responsibility of lawyers in the age of AI. How could lawyers possibly use ChatGPT…
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Arkansas Passes the Social Media Safety Act
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights, Legislative Updates
On April 10, 2023, the Arkansas legislature passed the Social Media Safety Act (the “Act”). Pending the governor’s signature, the Act will take effect on September 1, 2023. See S.B. 396, 94th Gen. Assemb., Reg. Sess. (Ark. 2023). The Act will require a “social media company” to (1) use a…
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Cybercrime: A Year in Review
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Information security will remain a top priority for all industries in 2023. Healthcare, government, and education will likely continue to be top targets for ransomware attacks, with for-profit businesses close behind. In 2022, most breaches could be traced back to compromised employee credentials…
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90 Days Until CPRA Enforcement: A Compliance Roadmap
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
All businesses – not just those located in California – should be aware of changes to California’s data privacy law. In 2018, California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), a first-of-its-kind consumer privacy law granting consumers certain rights in their personal information. Two…
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Tips for Complying with DOL's Retirement Plan Cybersecurity Guidance
Category: Employment, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
”Not if, but when" is a phrase commonly used to describe data breach risk. Holding just under $11 trillion in assets, employer-sponsored retirement plans are a particularly enticing target for cybercriminals. Through audits and best practice guidance, the Department of Labor (DOL) is encouraging…
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