Between the Lines Blog

FBI Warns of Imminent Cybercrime Threat to U.S. Hospitals and Health Care Providers
Category: Health Care, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
In a Joint Cybersecurity Advisory issued Wednesday, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Health and Human Services warned of an imminent ransomware threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers. More than 400 hospitals…
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Cybersecurity Enforcement Deadlines in the Wake of COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
While some regulations have been relaxed a bit to provide flexibility during shelter-in-place or other restrictive measures, one area that is generally not slowing down is privacy and cybersecurity. The past few years have seen a rollout of new privacy and cybersecurity measures at the state…
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So What's All This About Zoom?
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
For the time being, many Americans are at home due to the COVID-19 virus, but they are continuing to work, learning to homeschool and socializing with friends thanks to virtual platforms. Although there are a variety of applications and platforms, Zoom has landed on top and is quickly becoming a…
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Location, Location, Location: What Will Your Personal Data Reveal Besides Whether or Not You #StayHome?
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
As more and more Americans are learning the ins and outs of Zoom, receiving baptisms by fire in the world of homeschooling or simply catching the latest episode of "Tiger King," we are now on more screens than ever. Inevitably, more screen time leads to more social media and online surfing. Last…
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Cybersecurity in the Time of COVID-19
Category: Health Care, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, hackers continue to target workers’ increased dependence on digital tools. Online activities have become the most effective channel for human interaction and continued operations. In current circumstances, a cyberattack removing a household or business’s ability…
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