Between the Lines Blog

Fueling the Fire: How Extortion Has Changed the Face of Data Breaches
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Ransomware attackers typically encrypt victims’ data and demand ransom in exchange for the decryption keys. Ransomware is not a new cybercriminal activity. In fact, ransomware attacks are over 30 years old.[1] However, around the mid-2010’s, ransomware attacks really took off, growing in…
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Municipalities vs. Ransomware Attacks - Who's Winning?
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
Ransomware attacks on municipalities were on the rise in 2019, with two-thirds of known ransomware attacks in the United States targeting governments, and the trend is expected to continue for 2020. It is important for city governments to be vigilant in regards to their cybersecurity, regardless of…
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The Lawyer's Duty When Client Confidential Information is Hacked From the Law Firm
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
As attorneys, our livelihood is often heavily dependent upon the keeping of secrets. But in this complex electronic-data driven environment we work in, where physical security via locked doors and piercing alarms may no longer be solely sufficient to keep client confidences from prying eyes, what…
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Self-Driving Grocery Delivery Cars Present Interesting Data Security Questions
Category: Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights, Transportation
According to the Associated Press[1], Ford Motor Company and Walmart, Inc. have joined forces along with Postmates to test self-driving vehicles for a grocery delivery service. The tests are expected to take place in Miami-Dade County, and deliver typical grocery and other sundry items from nearby…
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The Rise of Wire Fraud: Cybercrimes Targeting Money Wired in Real Estate Transactions Increasing
Category: Banking & Finance, Information Privacy, Security and Data Rights
No one can argue that technology has worked wonders in the area of real estate transactions, making these transactions faster, smoother and more accessible. However, thanks to technology these transactions are now exposed to an increased threat from criminals working in digital spaces. Perceived as…
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